Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions


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Find answers to your questions

frequently asked questions

Explore our FAQ section to find answers to commonly asked questions about our platform.

Why Milestone?

What is Product Led Sales?

How do we convert free to paid?

What do I need to set up?

Do you support self-service or sales involvement?

Join the early birds
Be the first to try – and grow faster

Get ready to start producing stunning, efficient design work without the hassles of hiring. Soon available.

Join the early birds
Be the first to try – and grow faster

Soon available. Get a special offer.

Join the early birds
Be the first to try – and grow faster

Get ready to start producing stunning, efficient design work without the hassles of hiring. Soon available.

Join the early birds
Be the first to try – and grow faster

Get ready to start producing stunning, efficient design work without the hassles of hiring. Soon available.